Monday, February 10


Bom dia, tarde, tarde and noite moradores do spraying. Deixe or novato write history in series.
Although it is something undesirable, espero que goste.

And keep every update … relax, update fixes … Find out if you have similar names, agents and locations.

Cersex – Nessa late or tempo on campus can still be calm because one of the last semesters of the semester exams, or otherwise normal, so that many of the same squares to graduate or tempo live in the hall.

Sentei-me sozinho no park, ao lado do meu irmão Es Doger, que se divertia a brincar com as suas lascas de gelo. After being quiet, suddenly heard, when they suddenly talk on the phone with my friends on Facebook, sometimes they say goodbye. Repent, I want to know that many people want to learn. Limpei os olhos and find that the green era, a better era than Dita, uma colega minha mas estávamos em turmas different.

Sending an introvert who is in his own world, not busy with the outside world and often just outside, who approaches Dita, but is always insecure and as usual. Oh my, I just talked to her, byhei para ele and sorry.

Of course, find that she is more or less like that with her sadness. Sentámo-nos juntos no jardim do campus. This may often be a question that is silenced by people who often discuss, talk, and directly.

In fact, there is help from a rebel who studies against the President of the BEM, who is seen as arbitration.

“Oh, why is this her?” – trying to start a conversation by force.

Dita, sadly, replied “Sim, the work of the Group with a friend is still there, the work of the Group is still there, what is it that I am doing sozinha?”

“It is very good, very good, and the solid is not too much, even so this sadness is not in the company, hahaha” when I answered so to quebrar a rigidez.

Our conversation continued, coming to the palestras, the oradores, or the Mexicans about the friends of the school. A little later, separate us. Continue sending via SMS at this time.

The people who do and do the conversations they capture, parecia that Dita can have some sentiments for me. It seems that my heart is still right, as for truth, it is a small opportunity to fly a romance before the beginning of the rutura with my ex.

He then, and he thought that he was someone else who expressed his love for him. Leve-o to the sea, appreciating the fresh view of the sea, a friendly breeze, the blue sea. An emotional journey when he suddenly suddenly left, he would do the same with his Macios.

When you chat on the beach, conversations like the ones you do will be a good name. And finally we can express what I did not do.

That, what are you doing.” Falei-lhe, with a little nervousness, by accepting the sentence of rejection. “Do you want, what are you doing? Will you survive?” Dita gave a curt response.

It is very confusing, what is significant in Dita’s words, the immediate response “how… you are not, I am comfortable, I can’t wait.” I replied without hesitation.

Silence, without response, and our discussion ended, finally there was a setback at home with a little curiosity in the cabin. The setback at home was not a long time, the distance that entered my body and the body of the distant tornado. Levei-o for the retirement that was done on campus and the setback to the house that was very much because of Simbah, a former soldier.

When I wanted to go home, understand, and feel very stupid, because this does not mean that the question is not very useful. I will say that Dita is curious about this. Various complicated thoughts pass through your cabin.

Because it is not very important, I am not very interested in me. The latest SMS of the night for here are the messages “We’ll let you know… good morning…” A phrase modeled after a home for a woman who loves you.

There is no next person who receives the SMS you received from Dita, you are curious and immediately accept it, and there are several phrases in it… So, you will receive an indirect notification to a higher number, with the title “relationship relationship”. Click on the logo to agree and appear on a specific timeline on Facebook named Dita. This action is actually correct.

“Obrigado por quereres ser minha namorada”, escrevi numa curta message “Sim… amo-te, querido”, and also the response to the curta.

We are next, names like most people, Marcando meets all those people. Every time you ride a horse, or you burn calories, and if you are always stressed, it is the opposite of

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