Wednesday, October 23

Author: aufpornobest

lok me buto i kom miti pa dako na ma pe kitwero juko ne

lok me buto i kom miti pa dako na ma pe kitwero juko ne

lok i kom miti me butu pa dako na ma pe ki juku, wek anyut koma, nyinga Dila, atye mwaka 23, wanga nen mwonya, koma tek, mon mapol gupoto i mar kweda Gin ma otimme ni oyabe i kare ma an onyomme, onwongo dong anyome pi mwaka ma kato acel, ento onwongo pwod peya anongo gum me nywalo latin. Atye ki dako ma leng tutwal, lagen, diyo cwinye dok tye ki kit me dongo, en tiyo macalo daktar i ot yat pa gamente i Bogor. I dyewor me ceng abic weng abedo ka butu ki dako na, pi nino meno keken ento bene i ceng baraja pol kare abedo ka butu ki dako na. I nino mukene i kwo pa jo me oda, onongo atye ki luot pa cwara ma gubedo ki cwiny me kica, giparo pi dano, ki gimaro nya pa cwar gi. Nyako na tye mwaka 26. Ento gin ma amaro i kome tye ni kome pud tidi, tidi, nen mwonya, ki cak ne pud tye ma opong ki te...
Менің әйелімнің досының қытырлақ күйі туралы секс оқиғасы

Менің әйелімнің досының қытырлақ күйі туралы секс оқиғасы

Менің әйелімнің досының письки туралы секс оқиғасы еще дəмді болды менің атым Хадих мен əйеліммен бірге тұрамын Г қаласында тұрамын бір күні үйде скучно болдым сондықтан қонақ бөлмеде порно видео түсірдім. . Мен BF DVD ойнатқаннан кейін денемді қонақ бөлмедегі диванға жатқыздым. Мен шалбарымды шешкеннен кейін мен тек футболка кидім, іш киімім жоқ. Мен ақырын уқалап, әтешімді шайқадым. Әтеш тесігімнің ұшынан мөлдір сұйықтықтың еріп бара жатқаны көрініп тұрды, бұл менің нәпсінің шарықтағанының белгісі. Порно көріп, Диананы елестетіп отырып көңілді отыр едім, аяқ дыбысы мен біреудің маған қоңырау шалғанын естідім. «Хадих? Vivi? Балалар қайдасыңдар? Сонда барасың ба, жоқ па?" - деп дауыстады. Шалбар киіп үлгермей жатып, ехх, кенет қонақ бөлмеде Диана пайда болды, ал... - Ааа, не істеп жаты...
Sex Love Spell Story of the Sexy Boss

Sex Love Spell Story of the Sexy Boss

Sex Love Spell to Get the Boss - Sex reading, adult reading, fucking reading, sex love spell narrative for the boss. My life journey is indeed full of thorns and sorrow. It never crossed my mind that I would experience a truly heartbreaking fate. I was born into a really poor family. My parents are just farm workers. Our lives are far from happy. The following tight life is what finally pushed me to wander far away from my village, even though I was only stubborn. Oh yes,,,, my name is Heru .... the name given by my parents with the desire that my future will be bright. But all those desires are just desires. Never realized and will not be realized. I left the village when I was 25 years old. Went wandering to the city with stubborn capital. Until I was in the city, I didn't know what I...
Balikuw ka maana minw be kuma sigiɲɔgɔn muso kɔnɔman dɔ ka furu koo la  Sufɛ maanaw

Balikuw ka maana minw be kuma sigiɲɔgɔn muso kɔnɔman dɔ ka furu koo la Sufɛ maanaw

Balikuw ka maana minw be kuma sigiɲɔgɔn muso kɔnɔman dɔ ka furu koo la | Sufɛ maana - Ne ye cɛkɔrɔba ye min be ni saan 40 ye, bari n’ yecogo ka ɲi min b’a to n’ ka dɔgɔ ni n’ saan hakɛ ye ani n’ furunin lo muso dɔ ma min sii be n’ na, nka sisan, n’ be ni cɛnimusoko maana gwansan ye kosɔbɛ ni . muso min tɛ ne ta muso ye.» O ye Mila ye, sungurunin dɔ lo min be ni saan 25 ye ani a kɔnɔmanin lo kosɔbɛ ani a cɛɛ tɛ yen tugun. Balikuw ka maana minw be kuma sigiɲɔgɔn muso kɔnɔman dɔ ka furu koo la | Sufɛ maana - Sisan, Mila kɔnɔmanin lo kalo 6 kɔnɔ, hali n’a ma funu kosɔbɛ, a be se ka ye ko a kɔnɔmanin lo. Tuma min na Mila kɔnɔmanin lo kalo 4 kɔnɔ, a cɛɛ donna kaso la sabu a tun be dɔrɔgi feere. A ka soo man jan n’ ka soo la, o kɔrɔ, n’ ka soo kɔfɛ yɛrɛ, o min b’a ɲini an fɛ an ka don siradenn...
Sex Story Lesbian Story of Two Horny Girls

Sex Story Lesbian Story of Two Horny Girls

Lesbian Story of Two Horny Girls’ Hello, this is my first hot short story. It tells the story of a pair of lesbian girls who have an illicit relationship. Hopefully it will be published on the Adult Stories 101 blog. Here’s the story: Marissa (24 years old, hereinafter referred to as Risa) is a student at a private college in the city of Yogyakarta. After semester 6, she took a break for about a month. She filled her time by doing internships at an industry in a city in Central Java. Because she had no relatives or friends in the city, the directors of the industry entrusted her to the rented house of one of the female employees named Gia Amalia (23 years old, hereinafter referred to as Gia). It so happened that Gia lived alone in the house. That night, Risa arrived at Gia’s house an...
My Beautiful and Hot Stepdaughter Sex Story

My Beautiful and Hot Stepdaughter Sex Story

Latest Adult Story | After living as a widower for almost 6 years, at the age of over half a century, I finally got a match again, and I am very grateful because I got a match for a beautiful, white and flawless woman (coincidentally my wife is of Chinese descent), and most importantly even though she is no longer young, approaching half a century, in her sex life is very great. We both live in an apartment around South Jakarta. Quite a lot, around 98 m3, with 3 bedrooms with bathrooms inside, and a fairly spacious living room. We both decided to live in an apartment because we only live together, my 2 children from my previous marriage are all married, while my wife's two daughters from her previous marriage live with their father. Occasionally, my wife's two daughters do stop by an...
Порно журналынын моделдери менен болгон бузуку окуялар

Порно журналынын моделдери менен болгон бузуку окуялар

Ошол учурда мен Диенг Плаза Малангдын 2-кабатында эскалатордун алдында жалгыз турдум. Ал жакта жүргөнүмдө алдыман өтүп бараткан адамдарды тиктеп турдум. Күтүлбөгөн жерден мага соода товарларын көтөрүп келген бир кыз келди. Ал менден бир аз улуудай көрүндүм. Мейли... Мен болжол менен 30га жакын деп эсептейм. Бирок ал абдан сулуу, кино жылдызы болууга ылайыктуу. Айрыкча өзүнүн табигый макияжы жана көкүрөккө чейин кооз жайылып кеткен күрөң-кызыл чачы менен... чындап эле сүйкүмдүү! Анын денеси абдан сексуалдуу. Көйнөгүнүн астынан эмчектери көрүнүп тургандыктан, көкүрөгүнө өтө кичинекей көрүнгөн ак түстөгү топка кийип. Аны көрүп аябай суктандым, бирок ачууланып калабы деп корктум. Бир маалда... ийнимден таптап: «Кечиресиз байке, «балык базар» кайда...?» деп сурады. Мен таң калганымды ж...
Maid’s Lust Sex Story

Maid’s Lust Sex Story

This Maid's Lust Sex Story Fucking the maid happened when my husband and I moved to an area in South Sumatra. As a successful businessman, my husband opened a plantation in that area. Meanwhile, I left our two children at his grandmother's place in Padang. I live in this city and deliberately followed my husband. As a businessman, he wants me to accompany him so that he doesn't bother going back and forth to Padang to see me. My first child is 6 years old and the second is 6 years old. Once a month I go home to see my two children. In my house now I live with two maids. One is a woman, while the other is a man who is in charge of guarding the house and cleaning the car and garden in my house. The man's name is Hardi. He was hired by my husband because robberies often occur in my area...
Sex Story Windfall Having Sex In A Girls Dormitory

Sex Story Windfall Having Sex In A Girls Dormitory

Windowfall In A Girls Dormitory sex, adult, reading fucking in a girls dormitory. Let me introduce myself, my name is Doni, I am 34 years old, I am in the South Jakarta area and I want to share a story about my sex experience when I was still 20 years old, ok here we goo… This is a story about my experience when I was in a university girls dormitory (this is cat and mouse with the dormitory guard) with my girlfriend who is now my wife, her name is Nila, and her friend whose name is Rita. And the truth is I often go back and forth between Depok and Jakarta to visit Nila. Fucking Sex Nila and Rita are 2 years younger than me, and I was introduced to Rita by a girl. Nila is not too tall, her body and breasts are the same size (34b) and her passion is also very high, now if it's Rita, this ...
The Sexy Story of a Beautiful Nurse Who Likes to Crot

The Sexy Story of a Beautiful Nurse Who Likes to Crot

This Sexy Story is my sex story.. At that time I was being treated in the hospital, there was a nurse with a very tempting body, One morning the sexy nurse entered the room where I was being treated, I was so fascinated by her solid, full buttocks that I could no longer hold back my hot young blood, until without realizing my right hand grabbed the nurse's buttocks who at that time was fixing my blanket. It was really unbearable, as soon as my right hand landed on the surface of the nurse's buttocks I continued to squeeze them with burning lust, so that I didn't care about my surroundings anymore until the nurse reminded me with a voice that was so soft that it seemed like the voice was trying to tease and play with my lust that was no longer unbearable. "Shhh.. don't be like that, it's st...