Wednesday, January 22




L'histoire perverse de Lesby Lia et de son amant. Je m'appelle Lia, j'étudie dans une université privée à Jakarta. Je suis originaire de Bandung et à Jakarta, j'ai logé dans une pension pour femmes dans le sud de Jakarta. l y a environ 12 pensionnaires chez moi et la plupart d'entre eux étudient encore comme moi, même s'il y a aussi ceux qui travaillent déjà. J'ai la chance d'être issu d'une famille aisée, on pourrait même dire que c'est assez excessif. Une chose qui me différencie des autres femmes normales est que depuis mon enfance, je n’ai jamais été attirée par les hommes. En fait, beaucoup de gars m’aiment depuis que je suis au lycée. Beaucoup de mes amis se demandent aussi pourquoi je n'ai pas encore de petit ami, parce qu'ils me trouvent belle. Je dis toujours qu’il n’y a ...
Sek’s story a one dark story bout a hijab wearing artist an har family

Sek’s story a one dark story bout a hijab wearing artist an har family

Sorry temperature guys, mi deh yah a laan fi post fi di first time. Please enlighten mi post if yuh have errors. Dis time mi ago present fictional stories a artists weh deh inna mi imagination. Sorry if newbies dem nuh perfect yet at creating imaginative works. Criticism an suggestions really help mi fi create. Di Dark Side a Hijab Artists Dis a di work a mi imagination (no sara), weh clear, mi really imagine if deh deh a hijab-wearing artist weh a one sex maniac an coulda become a sex slave. Outa di uol iip a aatis stuori dem we mi riid, mi faainalli get inspaya bai aatis Oki Setiana Dewi. Jus go straight to it, bro. Ory Vitrio officially become Oki Setiana Dewi, a hijab-wearing artist weh deh pan di rise now. However, Ory Vitrio neva know di dark side a him wife, cause him really ...


Takrat, ko sem bil še v nižji srednji šoli, sem seks že poznal iz dejavnosti, povezanih s seksom, kar me je navduševalo in velikokrat o nečem fantaziral, na primer na lutki v trgovskem centru sem si vedno predstavljal, da ni bil oblečen ali pa je bil oblečen kar se da minimalistično in od takrat so tudi spolne aktivnosti zame zelo vznemirljive in zabavne. Preden sta se Ana in Selma preselili iz moje dvorane, sem to delal obema. Kjer koli in kadar koli je pomembno, da najdem pravi čas, bom to zagotovo naredil, pa naj bo to s Selmo ali z Ano. (preberite: “Moj prvi seks 1 in 2”). Vendar so se po končani osnovni šoli preselili s svojimi družinami, vendar je njihova lokacija še vedno okoli mojega mesta. Razdalja je približno 15 kilometrov od mesta, kjer živim. Prisiljen sem se spopadat...
Porn Story – Fucking a Porn Magazine Model

Porn Story – Fucking a Porn Magazine Model

At that time, I was standing alone in front of the escalator, on the 2nd floor of Dieng Plaza Malang. While I was there, I just stared blankly while watching people pass in front of me. Until suddenly a girl approached me while carrying her shopping. I saw that she seemed a little older than me. Well.. I estimated around 30. But she was very beautiful, suitable to be a movie star. Especially with her natural makeup and her beautiful flowing hair down to her chest in reddish brown.., she was so beautiful! Her body was very sexy. Wearing a white tank top, which seemed too small for her chest so that her nipples were visible under her shirt. I was very fascinated by it, but I was afraid she would be angry. Suddenly.. she patted my shoulder while asking, “Excuse me sir, where is the ‘fish m...
Like Sex Stories Pleasure Since Early

Like Sex Stories Pleasure Since Early

I want to tell my story when I learned to suck at my junior high school age and I had sex with my neighbor who was older than me, I knew sex from books that I often read, at that time after reading my body felt goosebumps and tense in my genitals, I could only imagine. You can imagine how passionate my passion and lust were when I was given the opportunity to not only see the naked body of a woman like Dewi, but to experience the pleasure of having sex with a real woman, without caring whether the woman was much older. Just looking at Dewi's body which was so smooth and white was actually enough to be the material for my imagination to masturbate, let alone being able to really feel the warmth and smoothness of her body. Moreover, really seeing her smooth genitals without pubic hair....


Esta história para adultos começa quando eu estava de serviço em Banda Aceh, porque nesse feriado escolar também estava um dos meus amigos no dormitório chamado Herman Anak Jeunip Aceh Besar que trouxe o seu irmão mais novo para o dormitório que queria ir de férias para a cidade de Banda Aceh. Wulan é o nome da irmã dela, costumamos brincar juntas quando as crianças se juntam . por vezes apanhado em flagrante quando olha para mim em determinados momentos. Isto acontece muitas vezes quando estamos juntos, às vezes no meu coração penso nossa, como seria deliciosa a tua virgindade se a sentisse no quarto contigo. Nessa tarde tive a oportunidade de falar com ela, bem, é um pouco difícil falar com estudantes do ensino secundário, mesmo sendo uma pessoa de fora que por vezes não percebe a ...
Hagueicha Umi Sexo Rembiasakue Onemboguata ceh Vagina

Hagueicha Umi Sexo Rembiasakue Onemboguata ceh Vagina

Che tuichavérõ guare aime kuri 2o grado de secundaria-pe, che ha’e pe tipo tímido che amigokuéra apytépe, añe’ẽ hağua hekopete, areko peteĩ encanto peteĩ tipo rehe ha’éva atĩ ha’e haĝua, che kotýpe añeimagina jepi che ikatu ajapo chupe mborayhu ha oreko sexo hendive ha ipahápe ajemasturba ha ahetũnte che vagina . Ñepyrũrã, chegustaiterei ahetũ che clítoris amañávo hese pe espejo rupive amoĩva’ekue ikatu hağuáicha ahecha che vagina pe vidrio rupive. Ikatu py’ỹi ajemasturba haguére ahetũvo che vagina ha clítoris oka, ohasávo pe tiempo ndaha’éi satisfecho apokóramo añoite pe clítoris rehe, che po oñepyrũ ohesa’ỹijo pe área oĩva clítoris guýpe, añandu che juru vaginal pytã michĩmi ha ojekuaa oñeñandu he’ẽve jepe ikyrỹieterei. Sapy’ánte aipe’a che po akatúape che juru ha amoĩ mbeguekat...
Sexhistorier Passion for at se pornofilm

Sexhistorier Passion for at se pornofilm

Lidenskab for at se pornofilm med venner - En dag i begyndelsen af ​​maj 2018 var mit hus tilfældigvis stille. Den eftermiddag var min mor ude af byen, og min far arbejdede på sit kontor. Jeg inviterede mine to venner, som jeg også ofte fantaserede om at hygge med mig. Amber og Ully. De har begge bryster i samme størrelse som mine. Så så vi tre en VCD, som jeg ved et uheld afspillede pornografiske film, som jeg lånte fra et lejemål. Vi tre sad side om side i sofaen. Ambar er til venstre for mig, og Ully er til højre for mig. Da den anden scene startede, føltes min vagina våd, og min hånd gik ind i mine stramme jeansshorts. Jeg brugte i øvrigt bevidst ikke en cd, så min finger gik direkte ind i min skede og gned den. Ambar så, hvad jeg lavede, og hendes hånd kom også ind i hendes egen...
Cersex  Nazywam się Randy (pseudonim), miałem wtedy

Cersex Nazywam się Randy (pseudonim), miałem wtedy

Cersex – Nazywam się Randy (pseudonim), miałem wtedy 29 lat, pracowałem w prywatnej firmie w Dżakarcie i zajmowałem stanowisko menedżera. Jestem migrantem pochodzącym z obszaru Jawy Środkowej, mam chłopaka, który również jest migrantem z Jawy Środkowej i mieszkamy razem w mieszkaniu w Bekasi. Tutaj nie będę opowiadał o moim życiu seksualnym z moją dziewczyną. Opowiem Wam jak skontaktowałem się z jedną z pracownic mojej firmy o imieniu Pani Ria (pseudonim). Pani Ria ma 39 lat, ma już męża i dwójkę dzieci. Ta historia jest tak samo prawdziwa, jak i prawdziwa, jedynie imię i nazwisko ukryłem w celu ochrony prywatności. I tutaj nie będę wnikać w szczegóły procesu uprawiania seksu, ale raczej historię PDKT i naszego codziennego życia w biurze do czasu stosunku. Jeśli spodziewacie się szczegółow...
Adult Porn Stories

Adult Porn Stories

Is a pornographic story that happened last year. at that time, my grandmother died. so our family returned to the village. so did all the other cousins. Female slaves could share one room, and male slaves could also share another room. but both chambers share one water chamber, which can be entered from both chambers. On the second day of living in the village, at around five in the evening, we were all helping to wash the dishes. At that time I felt like I was going to throw water, but I held it in so I was ready to wash. then I continued into the women's room and headed to the water room. but the water room door is locked. there were people bathing inside. I waited for a moment, but then I felt like I couldn't hold on anymore. I knocked on the water room door. "Just hurry up." then th...