Friday, October 18

My Friend’s Story

Since dating MasAndy I have known how enjoyable free sex is. Incidentally, MasAndy and I have the same nature, namely we both like to have sex with various fantasies. In having sex Mas Andy did not hesitate to release his sperm in my womb without having any fear of getting pregnant. And I, who had enjoyed intercourse with MasAndy, did not refuse if MasAndy released his sperm in my womb. MasAndy and I have been dating for 3 years until now MasAndy finally married me.

Until I forgot, let me introduce myself, my name is Disa, I am currently 24 years old, I am of Chinese descent, therefore I have clean white skin, and also my eyes are a bit narrow, but I have a sharp nose. After a year of being married to MasAndy, the shape of my body curves has not changed, I still have a slim body and also a burning sex drive even though I have had sex with MasAndy since we were dating.

When we got married, our sexual relationship didn’t change, in fact it could be said to be HOTTER because we are both Hyper Sex. However, everything suddenly changed when MasAndy, my husband, consulted a doctor about his sperm fertility, because we had been married for a year and every time we had sex he also ejaculated inside, but until now I couldn’t get pregnant. At night when I was about to sleep, my husband looked gloomy, unlike his usual very passionate self.

I asked why my husband was suddenly gloomy, but for a moment my husband was silent and didn’t answer my question. But not long after my husband grabbed my hand and said, “Sorry honey, according to the doctor my sperm is not fertile, so it will be difficult for us to have children”.

I was shocked to hear my husband’s statement, but because I love my husband very much, I hugged him and said, “It’s okay honey, when the time comes we will definitely have children”. My husband was silent after hearing my words, his face still looked gloomy, then ignored me and went to sleep.

The next day my husband behaved very strangely, when he was about to go to the office as usual I had prepared breakfast for him. But without telling me to go to the office and without eating the breakfast that I had served, my husband just left. I was very sad about the change in my husband’s character, but what could I do.

I just let it be, because I thought it was a blow to him. But what I felt was that as the days went by, the change in my husband’s character became clearer. He often came home late at night without any news, and he also came home drunk. I became annoyed, because I had explained to my husband but he ignored my understanding.

One morning I woke up walking through the yard and around our house, I began to see and realize that my house was chaotic, many plants and weeds grew in my yard, many of my favorite plants and flowers began to fade and die, even though I really like flowers. I decided to find a gardener, my husband came home at night I immediately expressed my heart to my husband, but as usual he responded coldly. The next morning I decided to go to the local daily newspaper to put up an advertisement “looking for an experienced gardener” I started to get anxious when it was already the third day and no one had come to apply to be a gardener.

The next day on the fourth day around 5 in the afternoon a man came who I thought was around 50 years old, he was shabby and dirty with a pitiful face, I thought he was a beggar and I immediately gave him 10 thousand, but he smiled, the man asked, is this Mr. Andy’s house?

Yes I answered, what’s wrong sir? I asked turning around. You want to work as a gardener here like the one in the newspaper advertisement, son … At first I refused because of his dirty and smelly appearance, but for some reason I felt sorry for the man, I asked “Are you really able to work? What’s your name?, the man answered, my name.

Muh, yes, I’m still strong enough to work, son… it’s just that I haven’t eaten yet, can I ask for something to eat? After thinking for a moment, I invited Mr. Nur to come in, I invited him to sit down. “But where do you have a house?” I asked. “Do you have a house in Sulawesi?”

You came here looking for work, but instead you can’t go back to Sulawesi, you don’t have a wife and children, because when you were young you spent your time wandering everywhere, you liked to walk wherever you wanted, but this is how it is son, it turns out like old age on the road, your age is increasing day by day, your physical condition is decreasing. You feel that it is time for you to find a permanent job, I’m sorry if that means you have to stay in this house if your child allows it (Mr. Nur’s head is bowed).

I don’t dare to make a decision sir, later I have to ask my husband first, I answered, for now you just stay here tonight, later I’ll get a towel, and Andy’s equipment for you I immediately returned to bring Andy’s equipment to Mr. Nur and Mr. Nur immediately cleaned his body, I looked for used clothes that my husband hadn’t worn for a long time because I saw that Mr. Nur’s clothes were shabby and he didn’t bring any clothes that were suitable to wear anymore, if he worked at my place of course he had to be clean, I thought. Mr. Nur, here are your clothes, if you want to shave your beard and mustache, Mr. Nur, here is your razor (I took my husband’s razor that was no longer used but I knew it was still quite new), Mr. Nur smiled when he saw me and took it reluctantly, I asked, why sir? why are you smiling? there’s something funny huh I also greeted him with a smile “No, it’s been a long time since you received kindness like this… ohhhh don’t be like that sir, I’m used to serving my husband like this, so I know what men need, I answered briefly.

I immediately went to the living room to watch television while Mr. Nur cleaned himself, it was getting dark around 19.00 WIB, I started preparing food. I smiled when I saw Mr. Nur was neat and clean, his beard was gone, but why is his mustache still there sir? I asked? I’m not confident if there’s no mustache, son “Mr. Nur replied, I invited him to eat, come on sir, eat first, until you’re full” I smiled. Mr. Nur started to spoon the rice and curry then sat on the floor, I was a bit uncomfortable seeing him sitting on the floor while I sat at the table, because Mr. Nur didn’t want to sit at the table like me

My habit of wearing mini skirts or shorts at home made me unaware that there was now another man in this house who was watching me, while eating we were busy telling stories about Mr. Nur’s life story, I just realized and was embarrassed when I saw his gaze under the table, at that time I was wearing a mini jeans skirt, I pressed my legs together, Mr. Nur looked embarrassed because I knew the direction of his eyes that were staring at my inner thigh, the atmosphere felt relaxed and intimate because Mr.

Nur was good at making me laugh and smile when we talked to each other at the dining table even though the meal was over, Mr. Nur remained sitting on the floor. the clock showed 10 pm, it didn’t feel like Mr. Nur was already late, I wanted to sleep, your room is behind, sir… we moved to our respective rooms, at 02 in the morning my husband came home and fell asleep immediately, the next morning at breakfast I introduced my husband to Mr. Nur. but as I expected it was responded to blandly and my husband immediately went out of the house, I sighed. I decided that this week I wanted to rest and relax,

I called the mothers that there would be no cooking practice for the next week. I wanted to clean the contents of the house so that it would be neat and beautiful, while Mr. Nur without me having to tell him again early in the morning at 7 o’clock had started cleaning and tidying up the plants, giving fertilizer and cutting down rotten branches while I cleaned the house. I felt very happy because there was someone to accompany my work when I was tired I sat on the porch watching Mr. Nur who was working, I started to like Mr. Nur’s personality who was good at finding stories and laughing materials, many of his life experiences were quite funny and scary such as being chased by thugs, civil servants, etc., I became absorbed in his story, sometimes almost tears came out because I was sad, but also sometimes because I laughed out loud.

but like last night I noticed Mr. Nur always glanced at my body, I was wearing very short pants to the thighs and a tank top that if I looked down my breasts would be visible, of course I had to maintain a polite attitude. Because I was tired I immediately went into Andy’s room and slept, in Andy’s room I took off all my clothes and put them in the used clothes bucket when Andy finished I went into the bedroom, I could see Mr. Nur was still busy working, I finally fell asleep.

I woke up at 4 pm, I didn’t realize I had been asleep for +/- 1 hour, I saw Mr. Nur still cleaning the grass from dry leaves and twigs from the cuts earlier, Mr. Nur walked towards the mango tree, oh no I accidentally saw him unzipping his pants and he took out his manhood to pee, at first I was embarrassed, but I was curious, because so far I had never seen another man’s manhood besides my husband’s,

I was really shocked, Mr. Nur’s was quite big even though it was when he was urinating, what if he had an erection, “I thought to myself… I watched until he finished urinating and put his manhood back in his pants. The sight just now was quite disturbing to me, so far I have never seen a man like that, not to mention it’s been a year since I’ve had sex with my husband. I don’t know why I started to go into Mas Andy’s room. I wanted to clean my womanhood which was starting to get wet. In Mas Andy’s room I took a tissue and cleaned my womanhood, but then my eyes caught something else, I saw a white stain on my underwear in my laundry bucket, I took it and looked closer,

What is this, I thought… this is sperm… but my husband wasn’t there, who would dump his sperm on my underwear, my mind immediately focused on Pak Nur, I started to get restless and scared. It was getting dark, around 6 pm the lights went out, I was most uncomfortable when the lights went out. Mr. Nur called me, sir, please turn on the emergency light, yes son “Mr. Nur replied, I waited but the emergency light didn’t turn on, what’s wrong sir, why isn’t it on yet” I asked??? I don’t know either son.. Mr. Nur replied. I just remembered that the lamp had never been charged because the lights never went out.

Finally I decided to use candles for lighting. Mr. Nur sat on the floor, while I sat on the sofa, I talked about anything with Mr. Nur about anything, and honestly it was very fun, I forgot that when I laughed my thighs sometimes lifted and opened, after a while I liked to see him curiously peeking at my womanhood, I saw his sitting position starting to get restless. Mr. Nur don’t call me son, call me Disa sir.. yes miss Disa said Mr. Nur, Mr. Nur, Disa is going to sleep,

Mr. Nur wants to sleep? I asked, yes miss just sleep, father also wants to go into the room, then we went into our respective rooms. The lights also didn’t turn on, I started to get restless, the rain started to fall harder accompanied by lightning, my fear became even worse, I thought it would be better to call Mr. Nur to look after me. My fear made me forget to change clothes and only wore pajamas (of course wearing underwear) with the middle rope around my hips. Knock knock knock skirt knock … I knocked on Mr. Nur’s door .. not long after Mr. Nur opened the door, faintly seen Mr. Nur came out wearing a sarong, sorry sir for disturbing you, I’m scared and can’t sleep sir … Mr. Nur take care of me (I said hopefully), Mr. Nur looked confused, what do you mean non Disa … sir is sleepy want to sleep .. “he replied, yes sir, if it’s okay I sleep above you sleep below yes … I answered casually.

Mr. Nur invited me to lie down on his bed and he slept on a mat on the floor, I like to sleep on my side, but I also couldn’t sleep, maybe because the stuffy atmosphere of the room was different from my fragrant and cool room. The rain was getting heavier with thunder roaring. I vaguely felt the bed where I was sleeping starting to move up and down as if someone was going to climb on it, I don’t know why I was still pretending to sleep, my heart said Mr. Nur was starting to act up, my fault I whispered in my heart, now it’s too late, maybe he’s already very horny with me I thought. I still tried to pretend to sleep. Slowly my pajamas felt pulled from my legs to my hips so that my buttocks were definitely visible to Mr. Nur. I felt his breath on my ass and crotch, ohhhh no what I was afraid of started to happen, Mr. Nur’s tongue and mustache swept my vagina softly and warmly, so long and softly he licked my vagina, what surprised me was that I was wearing panties (latest I just found out that he cut my panties in my vagina) his tongue penetrated into my vaginal hole, his tongue felt rough and big, my vagina started to feel wet, but I hid this pleasure,

I still acted as if I was asleep, about half an hour later I felt his manhood starting to be rubbed against my butt, how did he mate with me if my position was sideways like this?” I asked myself, the answer I soon found. Slowly my vagina was pressed by his warm missile, at first I was nervous but then it turned into panic, I felt his missile was very big, my vagina felt like it was going to split open very painfully””I bit my own lip, the missile was very hard and throbbing,

I was worried that my vagina would not be able to accommodate his missile, the missile continued to enter me without mercy, it felt like the entire wall of my vagina was tight with the pressure of his missile, keep going…. deep into my body to a part that my husband had never entered, oh no!!!! I hissed in my heart, the pleasure was extraordinary, it continued to enter until it hit my womb,,,, so long!!!! Mr. Nur stopped his thrust after touching my womb, while our genitals were united he slept beside me without moving, apparently he wanted to enjoy the moments of our genitals uniting, long

I waited for what he would do again to my genitals, I felt his missile getting harder and throbbing hard in my vagina, while my vagina started to get wetter, he was deliberately playing with me I hissed in my heart. about 15 minutes later Mr. Nur started to go up and insert his missile, I wanted to moan and scream in pleasure but held it back because I was maintaining my self-esteem.

I enjoyed my vagina being fucked gently and intimately. His missile was so slow and gentle going in and out of my female genitals, for some reason I cried softly, Mr. Nur knew it and wiped my tears, everything had happened’ I said in my heart…. while marrying me gently Mr. Nur kissed me, I began to open my eyes staring dully into Mr. Nur’s eyes.

then I looked down to see my white vagina in the process of being married by Mr. Nur’s big black missile, I was amazed to see the size of his missile, no wonder my vagina felt so sore, its size was very big and bent upwards. Slowly sir I whispered to Mr. Nur,

I began to change position to lying on my back so that Mr. Nur could more freely marry me.. I was no longer shy, I began to scream in pleasure when Mr. Nur pulled and stabbed my vagina quite quickly. Mr. Nur said “non’s pussy is very tight, white too, you like it, non’s pussy is very thick” I got hornier being said like that, for an hour +/- hour Mr. Nur married me, sir, I hissed … Disa wants to be fertilized by Mr. Nur …. Disa wants to get pregnant sir … give Disa a child please …. I was surprised Mr. Nur enthusiastically pumped my vagina quickly and spurted his sperm, my vagina felt warm … nonnn You won’t pull out your penis until morning so that non can get pregnant … our genitals were united until morning we then fell asleep. Early in the morning I woke up and panicked because I knew that at this hour he usually came home, but when I was about to wake up I felt something attached,

I saw Mr. Nur’s missile was still in my vagina, I tried to remove it but it actually made Mr. Nur wake up, sir please later my husband will know, apparently my movement that pulled my vagina to remove his missile made his missile wake up, his missile quickly hardened,

I screamed when I was pulled and hugged tightly I was married until I peed pee. Mr. Nur told me to walk slowly to my room while marrying myself, I walked slowly one step at a time to my bedroom, my husband was seen fast asleep, I was told to lift one leg and put it on the dressing table so that I stood in a position with my legs spread apart, I saw my husband fast asleep in front of me…. about 10 minutes later my womb was fertilized again by Mr. Nur,

I tensed up enjoying my climax… and fell asleep on my bed. while Mr. Muh returned to his roomAfter that day, Mr. Nur and I often had sex, of course when Mas Andy was not at home. A few weeks after Mr. Nur first married me, I got pregnant from Mr. Nur. I kept this relationship a secret from Mas Andy so that Mas Andy would be excited again and think this was the child of his sperm.

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